Frequently Asked Questions

Hyaluronic acid is one of the natural substances found in the human body and has various effects, especially on the skin. This substance is also found in eye and joint fluids. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of injectable hyaluronic acid in certain situations.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a glycosaminoglycan found naturally in your body's connective tissue, which is one of the long-branched chain carbohydrates.

Hyaluronic acid is one of the main components of the structure of your skin. This substance, which keeps your skin plump and hydrated, can hold 1000 times its own weight of water molecules. The moisture level of the skin decreases with age, as the level of hyaluronic acid decreases with age.

It helps to reduce wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity. Lack of moisture can cause wrinkles and the appearance of old age. For this reason, hyaluronic acid ensures that your skin has a vibrant appearance due to its water retention property and that skin spots are healed. Hyaluronic acid regulates skin moisture and prevents moisture loss. Hyaluronic acid makes skin regeneration and tissue repair thanks to its anti-aging property.

Hyaluronic acid is a product used in the treatment of wrinkle removal. It is completely produced in laboratory environments through biofermentation.

It is not obtained from animals.

There is no set age to start hyaluronic acid treatment. The situation of when to start depends on the person's skin and himself.

With the use of hyaluronic acid, some sensitive skin may temporarily experience side effects such as swelling, redness, bruising, risk of infection and allergic reactions.

These side effects may vary depending on the sensitivity of the person's skin. However, these side effects are usually mild and temporary.

With the aging of your skin, distortions and ruins occur in the skin tissue at a certain rate.

With age, the level of collagen in the body decreases. With a decrease in collagen levels, wrinkles and sagging appear in places such as forehead, cheeks and around the eyes.

In addition, because our skin has been exposed to the sun for many years, dark spots begin to form on the skin.

Collagen is a protein that is injected subcutaneously with a needle to improve the appearance and texture of your skin.

Collagen is the basic step for a youthful skin appearance. With collagen therapy, you can achieve a firm, plump, elastic and smooth skin appearance.

Collagen production in the body is at its highest level during youth, and its production begins to decrease as age progresses. As a result, you will be left with a skin that has lost its elasticity.

Collagen filler treatment will be the best way to reduce and eliminate the symptoms of old age like this.

The purpose of collagen filler is to improve skin quality, obscure acne and scars, minimize wrinkles, take precautions against signs of aging, restore skin elasticity.

Depending on the skin sensitivity of the person who has undergone the treatment, there may be little swelling, redness, itching or burning in the parts where the needles are touched. All this is temporary. It will disappear Decently between 1-2 minutes.

There are also people for whom the effects last a long time, but this period does not exceed 3-5 days.

Collagen filler is a reliable natural protein to be applied. The known side effects are allergies to collagen. Therefore, before starting collagen therapy, you need to tell your doctor if you have allergies, or an allergy test should be performed.

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